Assessment Tools
We have a wide range of psychometric assessment tools
At Niche we utilise a wide range of high quality psychometric tests and psychological assessments from many national and international suppliers.
We strive to recommend the best psychometric tests and assessments to fit with the client and organisation’s needs and objectives. Unlikely many providers who align with one test maker (and only recommend their tools) we are unbeholden to any one publisher and can supply a wide range of tools for different needs.

We have a diverse range of well researched ability tests, personality profiles, leadershp assessment and motivational questionnaires that allow us to evaluate a person’s preferences in a thorough, valid and rigorous manner.
Our expertise is in designing both assessment tool batteries to suit different roles but also in customising our reporting to suit the client's needs. While we have some off the shelf standard reporting we can provide, we are experienced at creating customised reporting that reflects the clients needs, values and budget.

As the above model shows many things potentially impact on an individual's performance and satisfaction in the workplace. No one assessment tool is good at assessing all or even more than a couple of these things.
We can also customise our psychometric assessment reporting to our clients needs. We can work with your competency framework and / or values to ensure we report on what is important to our clients for each role and within the culture of the organisation.

Alternatively we have our own competency profiling framework we can use and share with our clients.
Tool Combinations
We often will recommend a combination of psychometric assessments from multiple test makers to come up with the right battery of assessments for an individual, a role or an organisation. Having the flexibility to choose tools from any test provider gives us a better range of tools to choose from and recommend.

For instance, an in-depth psychological assessment for a leadership role might include a recommendation of up to 4 ability assessments and 3 personality assessments all which could be from different test makers or distributors. Lower level roles may only need 1-3 ability or one personality assessment depending on what the role competencies to be measured are.