Verbal Reasoning Tests
Verbal reasoning tests are designed to assess a person’s ability to logically analyse written information and make decisions, under tight time pressure.
For most of these tests the candidate will be asked to read information and then be asked questions about what decisions or inferences can be logically drawn from that information.

We are happy to make a recommendation on the right verbal reasoning test for your need, however we also provide an outline of some of the verbal reasoning ability tests we offer, below:
EAS Verbal Reasoning Test
This verbal reasoning ability test measures the ability to combine separate pieces of information and to form conclusions on the basis of that information. The candidate is presented with a series of facts and five conclusions follow each series. Based upon the facts given, the examinee indicates whether each conclusion is true, false, or uncertain.
This ability test looks at logical thinking and reasoning skills when dealing with written and verbal information. The result will clarify whether an individual will make sound logical decisions by seeing the wider consequences as opposed to becoming too narrowly focused.
The EAS7 verbal reasoning test is 5 minutes in length and contains 30 test items. Niche Consulting has developed extensive NZ business norms for this test, in addition to the test publisher’s norms. We have norms that range from administrative through to GM level, read more about our norms.
Watson Glaser III Critical Thinking Test
This critical thinking ability test provides a breakdown of a person’s critical thinking and decision-making processes. This ability test looks at logical thinking and reasoning skills when dealing with written and verbal information.

This tool is useful in identifying key areas for development as it has 3 sub-test scores to analyse where critical thinking ability may be better or less strong. The three sub tests are: Recognise Assumptions, Evaluate Arguments, Draw Conclusions. This test is recommended for middle to senior management levels.
The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is 30 minutes in length and has 40 test items. There are several different norm groups available for this test, but none are NZ based norms.
SHL Verify Verbal Reasoning Tests
SHL offer a suite of unsupervised assessments that are called Verify Ability Tests and in this they have a verbal reasoning test that is available at two levels.
- The lower level test is equivalent to the SHL supervised verbal tests called Evaluating Arguments tests (VC2.1 or VC2.2). The test measures the ability to understand and evaluate the logic of topics relevant to business. The task is to decide whether a statement is true or false in the context of the information given. This test is suitable for administration, operational roles to junior supervisory roles.
- The higher level test is equivalent to the SHL supervised verbal tests called verbal critical reasoning tests (VMG2 or VMG4). This test Is designed to measure analytical skills such as summarising, drawing inferences and logical reasoning. This ability test assesses ability to interpret high-level written information such as complex reports and policy documents. This test is suitable for graduate to management roles.
The lower level verify verbal reasoning test is 17 minutes in length and the higher level 19 minutes. Both use a rotating bank of test items. The norms for these tests are somewhat restricted and are not NZ based.
Additional Verbal Reasoning Tests
We have a wide range of other verbal reasoning tests available some of which are available online and some of which are products that must be administered in supervised settings.
The other related verbal tests are the verbal comprehension tests.