Numerical Ability Tests
Numerical reasoning and numerical ability tests can vary in level and complexity. This is appropriate given the numerical skills needed by an administrator are likely to be much less advanced than those needed by an accountant.
Numerical reasoning tests are most often timed and depending on the test may require high level learnt numerical knowledge, such as statistics, versus other tests may measure only basic comfort level with numbers.
We are happy to make a recommendation on the right numerical test for your need, however we also provide an outline of some of the numerical ability tests available below:
EAS2 – Numerical Ability Test
This numerical ability test measures the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide. The ability test has three parts. Part I measures facility in working with integers. Part II measures facility with decimals. Part III measures facility with common fractions.
This test can be administered online in an unsupervised setting. The test is 10 minutes in length and has 74 test items.
EAS6 – Numerical Reasoning Test
This test measures the ability to analyse logical numerical relationships and to discover underlying principles in number’s sequences.
Each item consists of a series of numbers, the task is to select the next number in the series from 5 alternatives. The results can be helpful in understanding comfort level with numbers, even in roles where there is not a higher level of numerical ability needed.
This test can be administered online in an unsupervised setting. The test is 5 minutes in length and has 20 test items. Niche Consulting has developed extensive NZ business norms for this test, in addition to the test publisher's norms.
SHL Verify Numerical Tests
SHL offer a suite of unsupervised assessments that are called Verify Ability Tests and in this they have a numerical reasoning test that is available at two levels.
- The lower level test is equivalent to the SHL supervised numerical test would be the Interpreting Data test (NC2.1 or NC2.2). This test assesses speed and accuracy in interpreting trends and inference in numerical information. The test presents facts in charts and tables that the candidate needs to interpret and make decisions on. To solve the problems the candidate needs to add figures, apply a simple exchange rate calculation, interpret data in a table, work out percentages, and read simple pie charts.
- The higher level test is equivalent to the SHL supervised numerical test would be the Numerical Critical Reasoning (NMG2 or NMG4). This test Is designed to measure analytical skills such as summarising, drawing inferences and logical reasoning. This ability test assesses ability to interpret high-level written information such as complex reports and policy documents. A calculator can be used when answering this test. This test is suitable for graduate to management roles.
The lower level verify numerical reasoning test is 17 minutes in length and the higher level 25 minutes. Both use a rotating bank of test items. The norms for these tests are somewhat restricted and are not NZ based.
Additional Numerical Tests
We have a wide range of other numerical ability and numerical reasoning tests available some of which are available online and some of which are products that must be administered in supervised settings.
Please contact us if you have a specific request for any test.