Niche norms for tests
At Niche we have developed many of our own Australasian norms to assist in the interpretation of the assessments we recommend.
Having good norm and appropriate comparison groups helps our clients understand where applicants or incumbents stand compared to others in similar roles or professions. Most of the tests Niche Consulting recommends have both general population norms and business norms available.
These psychometric assessment norms are split into specialised job groups and different levels, as listed in the below table. We have the expertise to build psychometric assessment norms for our clients.
Read more about why norms are for different tests
We have Niche Norms for the following tests:

Niche Norm Groups
To create norm groups to compare people to you need to collect large enough samples of test results for the norm to be robust. We have developed the following norm comparison groups for most of the above tests.
- General Business Norm
- CEO Norm
- Administrative Staff Norm
- Administration Manager Norm
- Consultant Norm
- Customer Service Managerial Norm
- Customer Service Non-Managerial Norm
- Engineering Non-Managerial Norm
- Executive Manager Norm
- Finance Manager Norm
- Finance Non-Managerial Norm
- GM Norm
- Graduate Norm
- HR Consultant Norm
- HR Managerial Norm
- HR Non-Managerial Norm
- IT Manager Norm
- IT Non-Managerial Norm
- Lab Analyst Norm
- Lawyer Norm
- Line Manager Norm
- Line Staff Norm
- Marketing Manager Norm
- Marketing Non-Managerial Norm
- Production Manager Norm
- Production Supervisor Norm
- Sales Manager Norm
- Sales Non-Managerial Norm
- Senior Line Manager Norm
- Specialist Manager Norm
- Team Leader / Supervisor Norm
- Technical Manager Norm
- Technical Non-Managerial Norm
- Telesales Norm
- Veterinarian Norm
General Population Norms
While many test makers have one NZ norm we prefer to use tests where there is also a large general population norm. A general population norm representing “everyone” from all walks of life and occupations usually tested before going on to higher education. This gives a true comparison on how the individual compares to the larger population, alongside more specific role and organisational norms.
Most of the tests Niche Consulting recommends have both general population norms and business norms available.