Candidate Care
At Niche we take great care in ensuring the candidates who undertake assessments are given the respect, care and service they deserve. Doing psychometric assessments especially in a recruitment and selection process can be a stressful and time consuming process.
Our administrators are fully trained in test administration to ensure the standardisation of the process and that each candidate is treated fairly and has the best opportunity to perform to their best.

To ensure candidate care we:
- Contact the individuals discreetly and ensure their privacy is protected.
- Answer any questions they may have about the process and the assessments.
- Provide pre-assessment information to the individual about the process, what to expect, and how to prepare.
- Where appropriate, provide sample test items to allow them to practice and/or familiarise themselves.
- Provide detailed instructions on how to complete the tests and how they can ensure they do their best in a testing session.
- Ask the individual to read and sign our consent form which tells them about their legal and privacy rights, what happens to the results, and the feedback process. This ensures we gain informed consent to the process under the conditions outlined.

After the assessments are completed, we contact the candidate to give them feedback on their results. This is typically in the form of a personal feedback report which outlines their results. In addition, candidates can request a personal phone feedback should they wish for further information.