Chartered Industrial Psychologists

Hogan Assessment Instructions

There are 3 different Hogan personality assessments and these are all accessed through the same website. The 3 assessments are:

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

  • The HPI is an assessment of personality and it measures your work preferences.
  • The Hogan’s Personality Inventory has no time limit but the test should take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.
  • When completing the HPI questionnaire, do not think too long or too hard about each question but try to go with the first thing that comes into your head. Try not to over analyse what the question is trying to measure.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

  • The HDS is an assessment of potential leadership derailers.
  • The Hogan’s Development Survey is designed to highlight strengths and potential barriers to leadership effectiveness.
  • There is no time limit but the test should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Motives Values and Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

  • The Motives and Values Inventory measures people’s interests, values and drivers.
  • There is no time limit but the test should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

You may be doing one or more of the above assessments (please refer to the email on which you are doing). Your log-on and password will load all the Hogan assessments you are to complete.


When you click on the link at the end of these instructions, you will need to follow these instructions, you may want to print them as a reference:

  1. Logon with your user ID and password (sent separately to you) – please note that they are case sensitive.
  2. You have an option to select a different language than English to complete the assessment in, but the default is English.
  3. When you begin your assessment, you will be asked to complete some personal details (name, gender etc).
  4. Many of these are optional* and will only be used for research if you consent to this.
  5. The platform will also ask you to enter your Employee ID / SSN. We recommend that you just enter your phone number in this space.
  6. It will also asks you to choose a password. This will replace the password we have given to you so make sure that it is something you can remember.
  7. If you stop without finishing the assessment, you can continue it again later with your user ID and the new password you have chosen.