What Types of Tests will I be doing?
Depending on the client and situation you may be required to sit one or more types of tests. We will have sent you an email outlining which tests you will be completing so please refer back to that for the specific tests you will be taking. However, in general you may be asked to complete assessments that fall into the following three categories.
Ability Tests
These are tests in which you have to work out analytical problems under time pressure. These tests are generally multi-choice questionnaires where you need to solve different problems. Generally, these are designed so you will not be able to finish the test in the time allowed. These tests assess a variety of abilities including:

- General problem solving
- Verbal comprehension
- Numerical reasoning
- Verbal reasoning
- Critical reasoning
- Mechancial reasoning
- Diagrammatic reasoning
Personality Questionnaires
These are assessments in which you are asked to answer a range of statements about your personal preferences, attitudes and motives. When answering these types of assessments it is best to go with your first reaction to items, rather than over think them. These questionnaires have no right or wrong answers, just as there is no right or wrong personality.
Assessments of personality can measure a variety of preferences including:
- Personality
- Leadership Style
- Values
- Selling Profile
- Interests
- Team Types

Behavioural Exercises
In some instances, you may be asked to complete behavioural exercises such as intray (inbox), roleplays, writing exercises, or presentations to complete. These exercises are often designed to mimic tasks that you may have to do in the role.