Chartered Industrial Psychologists

CPI Assessment Instructions

The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is a very robust and well-researched personality questionnaire. There is no time limit, however, most people take between 30-60 minutes to complete it.

Please read the following before completing the assessment

  • When completing the CPI questionnaire, you need to indicate whether you believe a number of statements about you are either “True” or “False”.
  • Do not think too long or too hard about each question but try to go with the first thing that comes into your head. Try not to over analyse what any one question is trying to measure.
  • The CPI was developed in the United States and it does include some American references and items which you have the option to leave unanswered if you are unsure.
  • We will be using New Zealand business norms for comparative purposes and have used it very successfully in NZ for many years. It is used internationally and recognised as a very robust tool.
  • The CPI is offered in several languages, the default is English however if you would like to change the language you take the test in then click the language button at the top of the screen before starting the assessment.
  1. Click on the assessment link for the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) in the email you have been sent by Niche Consulting.
  2. Complete the brief registration information. There are some demographic questions some of which are optional.
  3. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the assessment.
  4. You will create your own user name and password and keep this safe. If you need to take breaks when completing the assessment you can, but you will need to use your user name and password to get back into the assessment where you left off.