Psychologist's Code of Ethics
One of the things that makes a Chartered Organisational Psychologist different to other people using or recommending assessment tools, is that we have a code of ethics we adhere to and hold up as important to our professional approach.
Our ethical code has strict standards on ensuring the validity of the approaches we take and that we ensure the methodologies have sound scientific merit.
The following quotes from the New Zealand Psychological Society code of ethics gives a taste of the ethics we have to strictly abide by which in turn benefits and safeguards our clients:
Principle One - Respect
“In their professional relationships psychologists are respectful of those with whom they interact.”
“Psychologists seek to prevent or correct practices that are unjustly discriminatory.”
“Psychologists recognise and promote persons’ and people’s right to privacy.”
“Psychologists recognise that obtaining informed consent from those with whom they are working is a fundamental expression of respect for the dignity of persons and peoples.”

Principle Two - Responsible Caring
“Psychologists who conduct psychological assessments select appropriate procedures and instruments and are able to justify their use and interpretation. This involves, but is not limited to, selection of procedures and instruments with established scientific status, currency and cultural appropriateness and which the psychologist is trained to administer. Any reservations concerning the validity or reliability of an assessment procedure, arising from its administration, norms, or domain-reference, should be made explicit in any report.”

“Psychologists recognise the limits of their own competence and provide only those services for which they are competent, based on their education, training, supervised experience, or appropriate professional experience”.
“When a client’s needs lie outside of a psychologist’s expertise, the psychologist refers the client to others appropriate services.”
“Psychologists do not delegate out activities to persons not competent to carry them out”.
“Psychologists attain and maintain adequate levels of knowledge and skills in order to practise in a particular area.”
“Psychologists utilise and rely on scientifically and professionally derived knowledge, and are able to justify their professional decisions and activities in light of current psychological knowledge and standards of practice.”
“In reporting assessment findings and recommendations to clients, research participants and/or professionals, psychologists provide appropriate explanations of findings, interpretations and limitations. They endeavour to see these are not misused.”
“Un-interpreted data from assessments is not normally released to persons who are not specifically trained in the use and interpretation of the instruments concerned.”
Principle Three - Integrity in Relationships
“Psychologists recognise that integrity implies honesty in relationships. Honesty requires psychologists to be accurate, complete and comprehensive in all aspects of their work.”
“Psychologists accurately represent their own and others’ qualifications, education, experience, competence, and affiliations, in all spoken, written, or printed communications.”

“Psychologists are accurate, complete and clear in reporting assessments, evaluations and research findings and do so in a manner that encourages responsible discussion.”
Principle Four - Social Justice and Responsibility to Society

“Psychologists engage in regular monitoring, assessment, and reporting of their ethical practices and safeguards.”
“Psychologists protect the physical security and integrity of assessment instruments and ensure that they are not used inappropriately.”
Should you want more information about the responsibilities we operate under as registered psychologists please click on the below link: